Friday, January 8, 2016

From Shabby to Chic: Kitchen Sideboard UPDATE

Here's how I turned a $25 Thrift Store dresser from its shabby state to a chic AND functional kitchen sideboard.

What I did:
I took my handy dandy electronic sander and gave the top a good sanding, it really needed it. The rest of the body and drawers didn't, so I just made sure to wipe it clean of dust, residue and the like. Followed by 1 coat of primer. I believe in primer especially when painting a dark piece a light color, For two specific reasons: Your paint would adhere better (important when painting laminate) and you'll save on using so much of your very expensive paint! By the way, ALWAYS go for a quart than a gallon unless you're painting a room.

The color: Benjamin Moore Spa Day
 I painted the drawers in the kid's room (they "camped" in our room for a week until the smell was clear). Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do when you don't have the luxury of a yard or a garage.

I gave the body and the drawers 2 coats of paint. The second coat was to cover any and all streaks for a seamless finish. I let dry for 48 hours before putting anything on top. If you're painting in hot climate where humidity is high, I would wait even longer. The paint will feel dry to the touch but it can become sticky to furnishings. You want it to be super duper dry before giving it any use.

Here's what you don't see: the middle doors, which I decided not to use since I use the three center drawers for pots and pans. I need quick and easy access to these items and the doors would just be an extra step I didn't need. And besides, I think it appeals to the kitchen much better this way.

Finally, ABOVE the sideboard is this:

In conclusion: don't judge a dresser by it's "supposed purpose" give it new life and new use and you'll be amazed by the result.
