What I did:
I took my handy dandy electronic sander and gave the top a good sanding, it really needed it. The rest of the body and drawers didn't, so I just made sure to wipe it clean of dust, residue and the like. Followed by 1 coat of primer. I believe in primer especially when painting a dark piece a light color, For two specific reasons: Your paint would adhere better (important when painting laminate) and you'll save on using so much of your very expensive paint! By the way, ALWAYS go for a quart than a gallon unless you're painting a room.
The color: Benjamin Moore Spa Day |

Here's what you don't see: the middle doors, which I decided not to use since I use the three center drawers for pots and pans. I need quick and easy access to these items and the doors would just be an extra step I didn't need. And besides, I think it appeals to the kitchen much better this way.
Finally, ABOVE the sideboard is this:
In conclusion: don't judge a dresser by it's "supposed purpose" give it new life and new use and you'll be amazed by the result.