Hi there! I'm Sarah, a thirty-something mother of 4 (3 boys + 1 princess = my heart). I reside in Brooklyn, N.Y. with my partner Steven and my mom. Four years ago, I became a full time stay-at-home mom. A necessary sacrifice I don't regret one bit.
In my quest to be a 'cool mom, not a regular mom', I frequent the internet for healthy recipes and craft projects that result in me forcing my kids to try no-meat meals (the struggle is real) and sudden need for a power saw.Ha. Yeah, being 'cool' is exhausting. My kids and I are happy just being awesome; pancakes for dinner? sure! (especially since I've sneaked a veggie puree and almont milk in the mix, eat up kids!) Truth is, there is no perfect way to be a parent but there are so many ways to be an awesome one.
Aside from raising little humans, I'm passionate about learning new and creative skills.
, that's right! I was promoted to CMO; Chief Maternal Officer. I run a tight ship of strict sleep routines and shopping list trackers, coupon snipping and receipt storage. My biggest pet peeve in life: not knowing where things are. Losing my keys is not allowed to happen. Can't say the same for my cell. I've lost that in the house many times... what? it travels with you everywhere you go and then when you leave it behind and your 6 y.o. snags it to play angry birds and then it ends up buried in his toy box and to make matters worse: I don't realize it until like a day or two later. That's my life. In a nutshell.
Why I blog?
I've kept a diary since I was in the 6th grade. I still have them. Writing is one of my favorite past times. Now as an adult my stories aren't just mine anymore. I can confidently share them with the world and know that I am not alone in the madness! (best feeling ever!) And I've learned SO much from other bloggers that have inspired me and they didn't know they'd have such a positive affect on me. So maybe I'll have an affect on someone else. Its my duty to pay it forward. :)Why should you read my blog?
My goal in life is to simplify life. That's right, simplify the complications we face in life, starting with ourselves, our home and the people around us. I hope to use this platform to empower people to do the same. A "simple kinda life" will make all the other noise, just that; noise. Turn it off and put your feet up.. while reading my blog #SeeWhatIdidThere :)What I love: (besides my family and friends...)
I love this color call it whatever; mustard yellow, marigold, gold-ish, it's one of my favorites all year round.I love to Do It Myself - I love creating things with my bare hands, wipe sweat off my brow and get a pair of jeans messy with paint. Sometimes on purpose.
I love to decorate my home (and anyone else who'd let me decorate theirs!) I love to transform a space that is not only beautiful but also functional. Its not always about money but imagination.
I love to organize messy drawers - doesn't mean I'll always keep it tidy. Don't judge me, we all fall short of the glory...
I love thrift stores, flea markets, garage sales. Things from a past life, things with history and charm bring me more than joy, it's a satisfaction.
I love the HBO show Insecure.
I love to dance and workout - usually these two are one in the same.
OK... that is all folks! Thanks for getting to know me! Let me know you were here and leave me your thoughts, your feedback and your deets so I can follow! #SharingisCaring
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