Thursday, October 4, 2018

{ Thrift to Treasure }: China Cabinet Makeover & Painting Tutorial!

Hey Friends!

Ever have a vision for something and you just can't shake it from your mind and then... like a miracle... it suddenly appears?? Well this is a story about the day a dream came true.

Two years ago, I purchased this China cabinet at a local thrift store for $25 dollars! I had been wanting a piece like this for so long so when I saw it standing tall and shabby at the thrift I just had to bring her home! Her name is Ophelia :) What I loved most was the size; not too big or bulky or even heavy! It was perfect for our apartment size dining space. The color however, not so much.

I didn't tackle the makeover right away to be honest with you. I was just happy to have her! I gave her a good clean and then I stuffed her until my heart was content! 
I finally had a place to display all my pretty things. 

Here's how I turned this shabby China cabinet into my dream Chic cabinet!

Protect the glass! I used painters tape to line the edges of the mirror, using a credit card to smooth the tape under the wood for better coverage, otherwise the paint will seep through the smallest crack!

I also took this time to remove all the hardware. Even you plan to spray paint the hardware, removing it ensures that you paint all of the wood on the piece smoothly and evenly. 

Wipe your piece clean. Even though I cleaned the piece upon arrival, I wanted to make sure there were no dust particles that could interfere with the paint. You can use a mixture of white vinegar, water and dish soap to give it a good clean. Wipe any residue with a damp cloth and then dry it with a hand towel. Whenever I buy or find a used piece, I take my blow dryer and scan the crevices with high heat to destroy any possible bugs that could be lingering. 

Prepare your space for paint. Unfortunately I didn't take pictures or video of me working on this project (when I'm in the zone, I'M.IN.THE.ZONE). But here's my best tips to get the best paint job on any piece of furniture:

1. Clean your piece thoroughly
2. Remove all the hardware (and keep it all together in a baggie, thank me later)
3. If you can remove doors and drawers, do it and paint them separately
4. Choose paint in a semi-gloss or satin. If you want a high gloss finish use a clear Polyacrylic and to seal and gloss your finished painted piece use a Polyurethane. Or a clear wax to protect your piece from scratches or peeling.
5. Chalk-paint is ideal if you like a rustic, matted look and it dries so fast, its also fool-proof
6. Use a drop cloth and slide it under your piece. You WILL get paint on your floor or carpet, trust me... I should know.
7. Use a brush and small foam roll to paint furniture. The brush is great for smaller areas while the foam roller will cover the wider areas nicely
8. Don't wear your nice stuff. Use grocery bags on your feet if you must. 
9. Let dry at least 2 hours before a 2nd or 3rd coat. 
10. Embrace any "mistakes", it honestly gives your piece charm and character. It will always be YOUR labor of love, no one else's.

Here is Ophelia today...

In the last 2 years I've started to use the china cabinet to hold most of our dishes and glassware. 

 I love to style her for the holidays! This was the layout in 2016.

This Fall, I kept the styling to a minimum. A pumpkin here and there ;)

I'm currently organizing the drawers, follow me on Instagram @SarahSweetandSimple and you'll get a sneak peek this weekend!


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